Wednesday, April 17, 2013

An overdue Christmas post

 This is an overdue post! But still worth posting.. We have a family of 9, plus 2 in-laws, and one soon-to-be in-law in these pictures. There is always something to do when all 12 of us are together.

 We had the opportunity to go to the Memphis TN temple with the whole family. It was such an amazing experience.

 Then, we went to this duck thing.... Not really sure what this was.
 We didn't really ride in this carriage, but thought if we took a picture by it, it would look as if we did.

 My cutie cute parentals..
 Jeff did a backflip on the street after we went to BBKings to show up the street acrobats.

 Kelkel made a new friend.
 Oh, the sisters. Love them all.
 Games of 'catchphrase' are never good with our competitive family..

 My sweet, sweet husband. . . but fiance' in this pic.
 After all the cool kids left (Jeff, Kar, Court, and Calv), Mom had us take the kids to the aquarium for their mutual activity. It was SO cold outside.
 Such yuck fish:

 Cutie honey.
 Jeff & Hailey
 Jeff, Marcus, and man with the crack.
 Okay, Bronsons don't look good in the morning. Our last breakfast at the Waffle House before Jeff hit the plane back to good ol' Utah.